Friday, January 28, 2011

Passing On...

Although I understand that..."God plucks the flowers of his garden when they are most beautiful"!

It is so hard to accept that our love one will no longer be physically presence to share in the day to day activities, the special moments, the hugs, the conversations and the laughter.

It takes the awakening that they will always be with us.  They will live in our hearts and memories forever.

While death brings such sadness it also brings us JOY!  Joy that our loved one will no longer have to endure the pain.  They can now enjoy their comfort place...their "NEW HOME".

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Welcoming MMXI

I am really not a fan of resolutions because I've never been good at following up on them.  I do try to use the New Year as an opportunity to reflect on where I am and where I would like to be.  It's an opportunity to evaluate what I have done well the previous year and what I would like to see more of in my daily life.

Here are 5 goals I hope to achieve in 2011:
  • Continue to Help Others by Volunteering
Always been a believer in "too much is given, much is required...", I will continue to help others in whatever capacity I can.  Thinking less of oneself and more of others is so rewarding,
  • Take a Class - Learn something New
They say you're never too young or in my case too old to learn a new skill.  The acoustic guitar has been calling me for years. This year I will finally answer the call.  Hello!
  • Spend more time with extended family
Given the crazy, hectic, stressful days we encounter, I vow to slow down, take a breath and enjoy family and friends more.
  • Eat a more balance diet
This will be the year of an abundance of broccoli, asparagus and bananas.
  • Be Grateful
This is on my list yearly and I think I can always improve on it.

So... the challenge is to take small steps toward the above stated goals in an effort to stay on task.

I will stay accountable by referring back to this post.

What does your MMXI look like?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jumping In

I've been thinking and thinking about this and I guess there is no way to gradually do this blogging thing. Not sure of the direction, not sure of the design, not even sure anyone will read it other than myself...but I am hopeful that it will develop into something positive. I claim to have no formal qualifications relating to blogging.  I am no expert, just a regular everyday girl, woman, wife, mother, sister and daughter.  I can say, I have many years of life lessons, accomplishments, failures as well as upcoming journeys to share. I enter 2011, I will just JUMP in and continue my journey.
Help!  Are there any lifeguards on duty?