Thursday, February 10, 2011

Heart Doodles

doodling relieves stress
 Whenever February comes around, it brings me back to my youthful days. Days of folding red construction paper in half and cutting the "half-heart", then unfolding to reveal what I had created. I always loved the "reveal" because every cut was so unique!  You never knew what your heart would look like until you unfolded it!

I can also recall doodling hearts from a very young age.  I would doodle for hours... big hearts, small hearts, plump heart, slim hearts and even double hearts.

Can you remember cutting hearts from folded red construction paper and doodling hearts all over your notebooks?

The heart is such a powerful simple symbol that transcends cultures and languages. The heart symbol is used in various expressions to indicate love, affection and life.

The shape also awakens memories of those loved near and far. Those still here with me and those that has passed on. Loving memories of passing out Valentines to friends and sweatheart candies.

As I mature, the heart has even more meaning. The representation of LIFE.

February has now become American Heart month.  It is a time to focus on the health of your heart. Take the time to educate yourself on the dangers of heart disease and get on track to healthier heart!

What are some of your HEART memories?

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